Hi there!
okay, so i'm taking up chemical engineering in one of the hardest university in our country (thank God i passed the entrance exam a year ago), and i'm really struggling on my major subjects. I am a kind of person with lots of friends, joining school organizations and because of my degree my social life is kinda on the brink of nothingness. I'm on my second year and my marks are kinda average and i can't help but noticed that they are going down.
So guys! XD any tips on how can i pass this degree base on your experiences,... i really love this degree and really want to graduate with this diploma
can you guys tell me the ups and downs i might encounter? and the skills i have to improve to be able to master this course.
Your response will be a blessing for me!
Millions hugs and kisses
*oh! and by the way, the organizations i'm in are the careers i may want to pursue in the future, they are kinda related to nature and pollutions.*