Regarding Hund's First Rule:
So taking the explanation of the website you provided that electrons are like tiny magnets, I investigated magnetism and eventually reached the Exchange Interaction, which stated that, by having parallel spins, two electrons could not approach each other as closely as if they had antiparallel spins. This reduces coulombic repulsion.
Is this the underlying explanation for Hund's first rule? It seems a little indirect that electrons "know" to align their spins as a response to the "threat" of coulombic repulsion. I mean, it seems a little illogical for them to come to that conclusion based on an eventuality. For example, if two antiparallel electrons wandered too close together, the relevant response of the system is to push the electrons back apart, not to tell one of them to flip its spin. So, it just seems weird to me that a repulsive force leads to an effect that's not related to repulsion, namely spin flipping. I am not questioning nature, I am just trying to communicate my understanding of the topic; I'm throwing it out there for verification.
But, if what I just said is correct, despite it being weird, then I think I understand this first rule. Thank you for your help.
Regarding Hund's Second Rule:
I thought I remember hearing somewhere that we should always "fill" electrons from the highest possible orientation to the lowest possible orientation, eg. +2 -> +1 -> 0 -> -1 -> -2 h-bar units for the case of l = 2.
You are saying that filling in -2, -1, 0, +1, +2 would also be ok, as long as the magnitude would be the same?
And a question of a technicality that just occurred to me:
For p-orbitals, we have +1, 0, -1 orientations of the angular momentum. Which of these orientations correspond to the Px, Py and Pz orbitals, or is the designation arbitrary? For example, in a p
2 system, how does filling in +1, then -1 (skipping 0), raise the energy of the system when the corresponding orbitals are orthogonal, and the electrons should never have the ability to come into contact anyways?
Sorry for introducing in another question like that abruptly.
Regarding Hund's Third Rule:
I have encountered term symbols in two courses so far, but only had to derive them in one. I suppose I haven't had all that much experience with them. But I like your definition of addition of microstates; I hadn't thought of it that way before.
I looked around some more and I found this
website that basically says that a lower J is lower in energy because electrons are negatively charged, while higher J is lower in energy for "electron holes" which are positively charged. I am not sure now how J and charge interact to determine the system's energy. I might look more into this tomorrow.
Thanks for your detailed reply so far, and if you have anymore insight, I would appreciate your time.
Incidentally, the website I linked above made the statement that a larger L leads to more lobes in the electron wavefunction, which leads to lower electron repulsion. He follows that with a remark on the positve / negative J. After that, he burns us chemists pretty bad. I had to laugh at the randomness of the remark. Anyways, if I run into more info on the lobe theory, I'll write it in here.