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Topic: textbooks not fitting papers  (Read 3051 times)

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Offline Big-Daddy

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textbooks not fitting papers
« on: August 17, 2013, 12:03:03 PM »
I've attached 3 sample papers for a chemistry exam I'm preparing for the end of next year.

The syllabus tells us that the main textbooks are "Physical Chemistry" (Atkins & de Paula), "Inorganic Chemistry" (Atkins) and "Organic Chemistry" (Clayden, Greeves, etc.). I've read the first 2 and read "Organic Chemistry" (D. Klein) which should be just as good (I will get on to Clayden soon). I've also read a few other books not explicitly mentioned by the syllabus.

The trouble is, it still does not appear to cover what I need. I'm struggling on several of the questions not because they're difficult, but because I just don't know the theory. Can someone suggest what textbooks besides these 3 I should read, to be able to answer all these questions? Or is all the material in these 3, and I just need to read them more carefully/think harder?

Offline Arkcon

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Re: textbooks not fitting papers
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2013, 12:51:24 PM »
Big-Daddy:, I've locked this thread, and you've been with our forum group long enough to know our rules.  Although as I recall, you didn't much care for them at the start, and I suspect you don't mind leaning on them hard right now, and going to claim they're not broken, yet.

I've downloaded the 3 PDF's.  Fortunately, I'm at the public library, that would have been a burden for me (and maybe other group members) otherwise.  I've checked the document for viruses, for everyone else's benefit.  They contain 8 questions, each with multiple parts, and the examination requires you to do 6 in 2-1/2 hrs.

So your question is ... what?  We are to study them all, and find out what you need to know, by reading all of each of your textbooks for you?  That is kinda a silly task to assign to us.  You have some work to do, get started, whittle the dozens of questions down to those you can't do.  Type ... I say again: You.  Type.  The.  Question.  Into our forum.  With some part of your effort:  Organize the question into parts you need.  Find formulas you might be able to use.  And we'll try to help you with some parts that you may need.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

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