Hi there
Next september 9th I start a new year of my chemistry degree and one of my subject is "Organic Chemistry Extension", the third organic chemistry course I take (I've already passed org 1 and 2 last year).
In order to prepare this course I'd like to ask you for advice so I can be ready to learn the most I can and to get the higher mark possible.
So, these are the contets for this course. I've just translated it from Spanish, so I'm sorry if there is any mistake.
Organic chemistry 3
1. Alpha position to carbonile group reactivity: enols, enolates, tautomery. Reactivity and regioselectivity. Mannich, Claisen, Dieckmann.
2. Difunctional organic compounds: Diols, hidroxi- and aminocarbonilic compounds. Dicarbonilic compounds alpha and beta insaturated.
3. Nitrogen organic compounds: Nitrocompounds, oxymes, diazocompounds, azides.
4. Sulfur organic compounds: Thiols, sulphures and disulphures. Sulphonic salts, carbanions sulphur-staibilized.
5. Phosphorus and Silicon organic compounds: Organophosphorated. Carbanions phosphorus-stabilized. Silicon compounds, preparation and reactivity.
6. Heterocyclic compounds: Heterocycles reactions. Anomeric efecto. Ring-closing reactions. Pyrroles, pyridine, thiophene, furan…
7. Carbohydrates and nucleic acids
8. Amino acids, peptids and proteins
I those days I have before course starts I'll review all the contents from Org 1 and 2, but I need you to tell me if there is something I should start reading ASAP, or any concept that I will need to understeand, or what ever.
Thank you very much.