There is no single, simple answer to such a question. But you can google for the effect of carbonate buffer on the ventilation.
Situation:When you exercise, your cells use food to generate electricity that causes nerves to send messages and muscles to contract. The energy from food generates electricity by driving minerals inside and outside of the cells, creating an imbalance of the minerals between the outside and inside of cells that causes electrons (electricity) to flow. A major source of this flow of electrons is from muscle cells pushing calcium outside their cell walls. Muscles lose calcium continuously during exercise, and eventually do not have enough calcium to continue pumping calcium outside of cells, and therefore cannot generate as much electricity. This causes the muscles to weaken, hurt, lose coordination and feel tired.
In this situation, what is the difference in the rate of chemical reaction with calcium?
If pH of your body is higher than normal, do you lose coordination and feel tired faster or slower?
If pH of your body is lower than normal, do you lose coordination and feel tired faster or slower?Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks everyone very much for any suggestions