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Topic: Reagent for Sulphate Analyzers  (Read 2718 times)

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Reagent for Sulphate Analyzers
« on: September 06, 2013, 02:33:43 AM »
Dear Readers,
I have online pesticide analyzer (Seres) make with model Seres Cristal. It seems to work on the principal that
The operation manual is showing 2 reagents mentioning one as
Acid HCL + Sulphate 200 ppm.
Barium Chloride+ Tween 20.

Is there any expert in chemistry who can let me know how could i try to prepare these reagents which are not easily available with mfr.
Dinesh Chamoli

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Re: Reagent for Sulphate Analyzers
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2013, 02:49:08 AM »
There is no reason why you cannot make these up yourself, if you have the recipe. If you are doing this without any instruction then you need to review the method and consider why you are adding each reagent.

200ppm sulphate should be fairly simple

Barium chloride and tween 20, what do you think the purpose of the tween 20 is?

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Re: Reagent for Sulphate Analyzers
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2013, 02:52:11 AM »
There is no reason why you cannot make these up yourself, if you have the recipe. If you are doing this without any instruction then you need to review the method and consider why you are adding each reagent.

200ppm sulphate should be fairly simple

Barium chloride and tween 20, what do you think the purpose of the tween 20 is?
Sir Tween 20 is recommended by mfr in his operation manual.
I am not aware with Tween 20.

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Re: Reagent for Sulphate Analyzers
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2013, 02:55:23 AM »
Tween 20 increases the viscosity of the test solution so that the precipitated Barium Sulphate remains in suspension rather than sinking to the bottom of the cuvette.

You can use gelatin for this purpose but you need to add an anti-microbial agent to prevent backterial growth which will cause a haze to form.

Look up the standard methods for sulphate in waters, effluents and solids this will give you all of the details you need.
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