You don't bother with small problems, do you?

Investigations in kinetics usually aren't accomplished by a snapshot of three point type "situations" for a given start-up configuration (as three points out of a complete graph mostly don't allow for recalculating the underlying function if it came to functions of higher order, as it is the case with most chemical reactions)
to give you an example: if we had a (still quite simple ) reaction 1 A + 1 B

1 C + 1 D , and
if this reaction was second order (which often is the case), it should follow the differential equation
[tex] - \frac {d[A]}{dt} = - \frac {d[B ]}{dt} = k_2 [A] [B ] [/tex]
resp., if we introduced a reaction progress number [itex] \chi [/itex] (this would be the rate "r" in your question), it should look like this
[tex] - \frac {d \chi}{dt} = k_2 ([A]_0 - \chi) ( [B ]_0 - \chi ) [/tex]
as a result,*
) we'd find a function that for all [A]
0 [itex]\neq[/itex] [B ]
0 could be described as
[tex] \chi (t) = [A]_0 [B ]_0 \cdot \frac {e^{([B ]_0 - [A]_0) k_2 t} - 1 } { [B ]_0 \cdot e^{([B ]_0 - [A]_0) k_2 t} - [A]_0 } [/tex]
whereas (exclusively!) for [A]
0 = [B ]
0 we'd have to use a different mathematical approach, leading us to
[tex] \chi (t) = \frac { ([A]_0)^2 k_2 t }{ 1 + [A]_0 k_2 t } = \frac { ([B ]_0)^2 k_2 t }{ 1 + [B ]_0 k_2 t } [/tex]
I take it that you'd agree that with simple three-point analysis you'd be completely bursted here, esp if you didn't know that this IS "clean" second order kinetics right from the start, but had to search for this very order instead.
Hence, experiments in kinetics are using a lot of quite clever tricks to facilitate this situation (like: making one of the components a huge excess, so d[B ]/dt becomes approx. zero and thatlike
pseudo - first order kinetics), so reaction orders with respect to single components can be measured separately (and recombined thereafter, on paper, to result the "normal" situation)
)to see how these solutions to the differential equation came about, i would kindly ask you to take a look into the respective literature concerning second order kinetics: else, this might become a huge thread in its own right