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Topic: Iron sulfide catalyzing oxidation reaction  (Read 1530 times)

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Iron sulfide catalyzing oxidation reaction
« on: October 02, 2013, 09:41:43 PM »
Hi everyone! First post ever.  I am using Hydrogen peroxide to bleach a cooked bone and it is taking a very long time to oxidize all of the lipids out of it.  At my old job as a groundwater injection technician we used Iron sulfide to catalyze a reaction involving H2O2 and volatile organic compounds.  I was wondering whether this catalyst could be applied to my bleaching process to accelerate the oxidation.  However, I am worried about damage to the integrity of the bone (especially considering the hydroxyl free radical and its relation to the hydroxylapatite that the bone is made of).  Any ideas/suggestions?  Thank you!

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