December 23, 2024, 01:01:16 PM
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Topic: Anti vaccine magazine - it never stops to fascinate me how stupid people can get  (Read 10696 times)

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Each time I hear about such things I think of the industry that existed about 120 years ago:

Apparently those anti-vaccine types want to revive the idea. Most of the kids pictured on these photographs died because of one of the childhood diseases eradicated by the vaccination.
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Offline magician4

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no matter how absurd an idea, there always will be followers and believers

take religion, for example

or collapsing skyscrapers

or, for that matter , homeopathy and thatlike quacksalver type ideas



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Offline Kate

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Depends on the type of vaccine I think.

If we're talking about chickenpox and polio and all those diseases children in western countries used to die from , then yes, not taking the vaccine is extremely stupid and dangerous.

But there have been cases of people dying and getting narcolepsy and all sorts of allergies from vaccines like the hpv vaccine and the swine flu vaccine.

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There was one guy here a few years back that was not only so gullible to think that sodium chlorite was a wonder cure for cancer, but also that he did not know I was being sarcastic when I said hitting your nuts with a hammer cures testicular cancer, when worded in marketing-speak. 

Kinda makes me jealous of the marketing skills of those peddling so much BS, and so profitably. 

Offline magician4

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Kinda makes me jealous of the marketing skills of those peddling so much BS, and so profitably. 
they're successfully selling us "carbon - tax" and rubbish like that , just like others were selling letters of indulgence  a few hundred years ago, you'll have to give them that

this always happens when there's money on the table

our money, in this case


There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
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Offline curiouscat

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they're successfully selling us "carbon - tax" and rubbish like that

Why is carbon tax rubbish?

Offline 408

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they're successfully selling us "carbon - tax" and rubbish like that , just like others were selling letters of indulgence  a few hundred years ago, you'll have to give them that

this always happens when there's money on the table

our money, in this case



A good book about this is Blue Planet, Green Shackles by Vaclav Klaus, former president of the Czech Republic.  While I cannot say I agree with him regarding the environmental movement entirely(there is nothing acceptable about improper hazardous waste disposal for instance), certainly regarding a carbon tax him and I are in agreement: totalitarian scam.

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A good book about this is Blue Planet, Green Shackles by Vaclav Klaus, former president of the Czech Republic.  While I cannot say I agree with him regarding the environmental movement entirely(there is nothing acceptable about improper hazardous waste disposal for instance), certainly regarding a carbon tax him and I are in agreement: totalitarian scam.

Interesting. I can't say I'm a fan nor an opponent.

Just that it's not obvious to me that it is a scam.

Offline magician4

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they're successfully selling us "carbon - tax" and rubbish like that

Why is carbon tax rubbish?
to give you my brief version: because carbondioxid is not the source of any problem


There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
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Offline discodermolide

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Interesting. I can't say I'm a fan nor an opponent.

Just that it's not obvious to me that it is a scam.

Oh it's a scam alright.
Big companies trade their carbon taxes to avoid government regs, countries trade them, in fact the trading is big business.
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Offline 408

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Uh oh Ingo,

Now you have done it....

Al Gore is going to be angry

Offline magician4

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wasn't that the guy who totally confused the order of cause and effect? now that I think about it, yes, must have been him...
hope his hot breath will last a while, 'cause if the what the solar physicists analyze from real data these days holds as a pattern, we're right now heading into another little ice age full speed ahead.

we might need something to keep us warm badly


There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
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Offline kriggy

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A good book about this is Blue Planet, Green Shackles by Vaclav Klaus, former president of the Czech Republic.  While I cannot say I agree with him regarding the environmental movement entirely(there is nothing acceptable about improper hazardous waste disposal for instance), certainly regarding a carbon tax him and I are in agreement: totalitarian scam.
Hm you made me interested in this book

Offline curiouscat

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Interesting. I can't say I'm a fan nor an opponent.

Just that it's not obvious to me that it is a scam.

@disco @Ingo

Just curious. You guys think C-taxes are a scam because:

(a) Anthropogenic Global Warming itself is bogus

(b) GW does exist but it doesn't have a solution

(c ) GW exists, solutions exist, but C-taxes are not it.

Again, I've no side in the debate. Just curious.

Offline discodermolide

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GW does not exist, it part of a natural climate cycle.
Carbon tax is a bulls&$# thing made to make money for the big companies by government.

Like green chemistry, no such thing.
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