ref. (a) "Anthropogenic Global Warming itself is bogus"
must be a human signal in all of temperature development, of course
we see it locally: local heat island effect, but also local dimming, the effect of crops vs. natural wilderness (
different albedo) and so on an so forth.
however, to the best of my knowledge we still can't identify this signal experimentally
in a global sense, let alone know which direction it has in a net sense
therefore i come to the conclusion that the human effect most probably is minuscule, compared to the what mother nature does in her own right
ref. (b) GW does exist but it doesn't have a solution
climate is not a stable system, as history shows without any reasonable doubt: it has always changed, and will always change
the huge parameters governing the situation are: activity of the sun (both with respect to its general brightness on a very very long time scale, i.e. over billions of years, and with respect to the solar cycles and their activity level: 11-15 years in general) , Milancovic cycles, continent distribution on earth's surface with subsequent effects (mountains like the Himalaya massive, sea currents...), earth's activity (volcanoes...) , general biological activity (albedo ...), .
... and finally, somewhere near the end of all this: the human activities
Amongst those activities, human made emission of carbon dioxide again is one of the smallest factors of influence , by far overruled by factors like local albedo modification (heat islands, crops..) and local dimming (esp. smoke from huge industrial areas [
China] and airtravel seem to have some influence)
so, on the large scale, as we can't influence the sun in its activities, and as we can't make the earth move on different pathways , as we can't stop continents from drifting, mountains from growing, volcanoes from erupting and sea currents form floating: no , man can't do noting about this, on any relevant long-term scale
we could provoke a nuclear winter , yes
but not for long
ref. (c)(...) but C-taxes are not it.
with respect to the first part "GW exists, solutions exist": see above
with respect to the later "... but C-taxes are not it" :
it has been calculated for Australia (if memory serves) , that even if the reduction in man made emissions would be forced by named taxes like projected, the net effect to average temperature level in Australia would be minus 0.008 kelvin
I won't call this a solution for whatsoever problem
to cut a long story short: IMHO man can't influence global climate in any meaningfull way, neither for better nor for worse. Climate has always changed, is changing, and will keep on doing so. Therefore, man
in his own interest must be prepared for both: that it might get somewhat warmer (which, historically, hadn't been a problem at all) , and that it might become colder - and in the very near future at that, if the what solar scientists predict becomes true.
Look at the Maunder Minimum, and you know what I mean.
Mankind is not even in the slightest way prepared for that, and this is something that makes me worried.
It's only mid of October, and we have first night frosts in Germany:
Mene mene tekel u-parsinregards