Benzopinacol is 1,1,2,2-tetraphenyl-ethan-1,2-diol, correct?
Reason I compare to benzene is because an electronically isolated phenyl functional group would give roughly the same absorption signature as benzene. Your reported UV-Vis peaks are suggestive of electronically isolated phenyl functional groups. This would not be the case if you increase the conjugation in your product, which is why I ask whether you are sure you made what you think you made. IR and melting point identification isn't really that great. NMR would be better.
There are a number of reasons why the intensity might increase, and one of them is simple human error. What kind of increase are we talking about - 10%, 20%? Is it the same over the entire spectrum? Is this plotted on an extinction coefficient scale? You just haven't given a whole lot of information needed to answer this question. I'm not even sure what the structures are that we're dealing with. Using IUPAC nomenclature or putting structures in your post with SMILES would help immensely, and so would seeing your data.