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Topic: Methods for removing mildew from clothing  (Read 2044 times)

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Methods for removing mildew from clothing
« on: October 24, 2013, 04:24:03 PM »
Hi everyone. I recently found out that the reason my clothes smell like dog after getting caught in the rain is because of mildew! Killing it with fire was my first reaction but that ruined the shirt. I was wondering whether anyone here could advise. I don't want to damage or fade my clothes. I am willing to separate different fabric compositions if necessary.

I've hardly touched chemistry since I finished my A levels (10 years already!) so I'm not as sharp as I once was. I notice many solutions online involve vinegar. Am I right in thinking that that there's no difference between using concentrated vinegar and especially dilute hydrochloric acid?

Would you recommend borax? Alone or in combination with something else? Hydrogen peroxide?

My ideal solution would involve a gamma irradiator but I really haven't got the space for one. :P

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