I am using DCC for coupling N-Boc-glycine and 2-iodo-aniline (THF,RT, over night) - it works with aniline and N-Boc-glycine.
In GC/MS (from reaction mixture) I don't see product (there is no peak in chromatogram), dominant iz DCU (mass 224, 45 %). There is something with mass 200 (10%) and I don't know what is it. There is sth mass 125 (12 %) and 2-Iodo-aniline (32%). Does anybody know what is happening and why I don't see product?
I did this reaction with N-Boc-glycine and aniline (yeald over 50%) and I saw product in GC/MS (also I saw sth with mass 200 and 125).