It's like me asking you what would be better for me to purchase: SUV or sedan. Answer: it depends on what I plan on doing with my car.
What are you interested in? What are your career goals? These are the kinds of questions that will determine what is the most appropriate course for you to take.
Going into chemical engineering, at the moment I want to work on problems like renewable energy or the freshwater shortage....Things that will help the world as we run out of the necessary natural resources we rely on.
So designing mechanisms to recycle waste water or a cheaper desalination process, or using human waste as energy.
Honestly, I wouldn't fret too much over which to take. Everything is likely to have its positives and negatives. At this point, choose what sounds more interesting to you. Remember, learning doesn't stop once you have your degree; just because you didn't take a specific class as an undergrad, it doesn't mean you can't pick up the appropriate subject matter later.
Case in point: I never took inorganic chem of any kind, and now that's approximately all I work with.