You have water compartment with suspended solids.
Solid density D(ps)=1.4 g/cm3
volume fraction of suspended solids is 10^-4
Calculate equilibrium distribution of CCL4 mass between solid and liquid phase (ex. what fraction of CCl4 mass in each phase)
I know based on a previous problem that
Cw and Css= concentrations of water and suspended solids Mss=mass of suspended solids
Vw=volume of water Mw=Mass of water
M (total)= CwVw+ CssMss Css=KdKw Mw=CwVw
Kd (dispersion coefficient)= 27.72 L of water/kg SS
I know you must show the relationship between Cw and Css using a mass blance but I am struggling with completing the mass balance since I am still learning how to do it.