Cars were timed by police radar as they passed in both directions below a bridge. Their velocities (kilometers per hour, number of cars in parentheses) to the east and west were as follows: 80 E (40), 85 E (62), 90 E (53), 95 E (12), 100 E (2); 80 W (38), 85 W (59), 90 W (50), 95 W (10), 100 W (2). Wat are a) the mean velocity b) the mean speed c) the root mean square speed
I understand the formula would be 1/N (all of the numbers in parentheses) multiplied by the summation of velocities x cars in parentheses. For the root square speed, I would need to do 1/N^.5 multiplied by (summation of velocities^2 x number of cars in parentheses)^1/2.
However, isn't velocity the same thing as speed? I'm assuming the west and east have to do with something but I'm not sure. Help appreciated