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Topic: What methods can be used for the separation of soil or seawater for feed stock?  (Read 2163 times)

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Offline james257

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Many plants and microorganisms use water-soluble inorganic compounds that contain only the elements that people need in their food, but these organisms tend to take up all of the water-soluble compounds in the soil or seawater. In order to provide the best low-cost growing medium for our food, we need a volume process that would separate compounds containing 28 elements and exclude all other compounds. We would all be healthier if we could do this. Any information helpful to putting together the best approach would be greatly appreciated.

Jim Adrian
« Last Edit: December 06, 2013, 02:35:55 AM by Borek »

Offline Enthalpy

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Good luck... Chemical properties depend on compounds, not primarily on elements, so "separate compounds of the 28 elements" doesn't hint at chemical methods. Other methods are extremely slow, expensive, and use to destruct the compounds.

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