Okay. First you need to remember that TC = Tk -273.15. Now, you need to know how to convert Celcius into Fahrenheit. This is done with the following equation:
TF = (TC)(9/5) + 32.
Now you can convert your Kelvin temperature into Celcius, then convert the Celcius into Fahrenheit.
TC = 181-273.15 = -92.15. (Since you are not done with your calculations, you can keep all digits).
TF = (-92.15)(9/5) + 32 = -133.87. Now at this point you limit the result by the number of significant figures. All the digits in the Celcius to Fahrenheit equation do not count since they are exact out to infinity. Therefore, you're limited by the initial temperature given and the -273.15 used to convert to Celcius. Therefore, you're limited to 3 significant figures. This means you would round your result of -133.87 to -134. That is the correct answer.