Here is the text I am trying to comprehend: The intensity (extinction coefficient) is determined by selection rules. -In an octahedral (Oh) complex, ̂μel transforms as T1u. - We can use group theory to do the math: f=< Ψg| ̂μel|Ψg>
-For f ≠ 0, f must be A1g because all other irreducible representations are anti-symmetric with respect to at least one coordinate → integral over all space goes to zero! -Laporte selection rule: consider character of i. ̂μel is a vector, so it always has “u” parity. - f = <A|u|B> -Transitions between states of opposite parity (A=g, B=u or A=u, B=g) are “Laporte allowed”. -Transitions between states of the same parity (A=B=g or A=B=u) are “Laporte forbidden”. - d orbitals are a binary product of Cartesian coordinates (z2, xy, etc.) →always have “g” parity. -d → d electronic transition are Laporte forbidden (low intensity). -Spin selection rule: transitions between states with different
A few questions to get this discussion started: When the word "states" is used, is this implying to electronic states such as the ground state or excited state? What is "g" and "u"? Gerade and ungerade?