As what we know, there are two types of the measurable properties:
1- Extensive like mass, volume and length.
2- Intensive like Density and Temperature.
Extensive properties can be added. For example, you have 1 kg of water. You add more 1 kg of water. Thus, you have 2 kg of water. On the other hand, density and temperature cannot be simply added. For example, if you have water with X degrees temperature, and you have the same amount of water with X degrees temperature, too. Adding them will not make the temperature 2X degrees.
But... (here my question )
what If I have, for example, 5 C° as first water and 6 C° as second water. what will be the temperature if I am gonna add them ? My personal answer: I think it will be the largest available temperature which is 6 C°
Is my understanding correct ?
The same thing for density .
what will happen if I am gonna add 2 diff. densities of liquids, for example ? Will the final density will be the largest density or what ? The reason of this question: I am solving a problem depends on this little fact which Idk it
Gold Sky