Hello everybody I'm newbie here and my native language is not English.
So I'm sorry of my bad language.
My problem is how to dilute toluene. I have to calculate count plate and resolution factor
Agilent 1100 HPLC device.
I have to make sample which contains:
Uracil 5 µg/ml
Phenol 200 µg/ml
4- Chloronitrobenzene 25 µg/ml
Toluene 850 µg/ml
This sample have dilute to 80/20 methanol/water (v/v)
I have to make liquid 500 ml
It's easy to weigh out solid reagents (uracil, phenol and 4-Chloronitrobenzene )
using formula c = m x V
But how I dilute toluene. It's liquid and I cant use anymore c = m x V.
I have to use density to calculate toluene amount but how.
Can somebody help.
Here is Agilent data sheet: