Chemicals above their flash point still need an ignition source to ignite. We've mentioned this a few times in this thread. When I took organic chem, we did gentle heating for reflux or distillation in a fume hood with a steam bath. So there's no risk of ignition when 30 people were all working at once.
You take a risk with each bottle of solvent you order and store in your lab. If your laboratory safety inspector is competent, they audit your lab from time to time, and may at some point simply tell you -- No, you can't have more bottles of flammables, as dictated by city fire code, for this facility. And you will have to stop the "Gee, whiz, what can I use next" phase of your procedures and start to plan around legal obligations. That right, even if you're sure you know what you're doing, and nothing bad has happened in your entire career, the fire department comes up to you and says -- Stop.