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Topic: Making acid neutral on plastic without damaging the print?  (Read 3080 times)

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Making acid neutral on plastic without damaging the print?
« on: February 24, 2014, 11:07:02 PM »
I collect brands, that is goods with logos on, and I recently found an old Energiser batter in one of those containers that people drop old batteries into when at the supermarket to be recycled. It was a real find, I wanted this brand, of course they don't sell it any more and it's easy to tell how old it is because it has "Made in Britain" printed on it!


Anyway, the battery had fizzed at the base and I was lucky to get the label off in one piece and with the logo print still on. However, I'm worried about the affects of the acid on the plastic cover, I can keep it out of daylight and even in an air-tight food container, but what about the acid residue, how do I combat that.

More importantly, how do I treat it without destroying the plastic branding?


Offline Arkcon

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Re: Making acid neutral on plastic without damaging the print?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2014, 07:17:59 AM »
Well, you can start by washing it with water.  That could remove the battery contents.  The leakage is more likely alkaline than acid, so a weak acid, such as diluted household vinegar, would help too.  You should also wash the vinegar away to avid damage.  However, I can't guarantee any of these treatments won't damage it as well, and we don't know what the leakage will do.  So you take a chance no matter what you do.  You'll learn what happens, and you'll get it better next time.  That's what makes this hobby of yours cool.  8)
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.


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Re: Making acid neutral on plastic without damaging the print?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2014, 08:24:01 PM »
Thanks for the advice. I take it that's white vinegar rather than the malt?

I am looking to keep the brand indefinitely, so a slow corrosive alkaline, or acid, is still an issue for me. How might I best find the PH of the alkaline right now and create a opposite for it to balance the whole thing out please, I'm guessing that would be the right way to go about it?

Thanks again.


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Re: Making acid neutral on plastic without damaging the print?
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2014, 05:48:00 PM »
Any more info on this please...?


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