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Topic: why is the ehtyl acetate shaken with anhdrydrous calcium chloride?  (Read 3876 times)

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ester are found in fruits and they are naturally have fruity smell/adour. when enthonal react with acetic acid, in result it become nail polish remover.
By mixing the two solution with sulphuric acid and reflux it under heat. then distill it until the temperature goes up to 82 degrees.
30% sodium cardonate is added (shake)   co2 is given off.
then from here you will have two different layers. top layer is acidy.
 bottom layer is than discarded and calcium with water is add (shake). Remover lower layer which is milky white. than adding granular calcium chloride (shake) and distill it between 74-79 degree.

my question here is why is the ehtyl acetate shaken with anhdrydrous calcium chloride?
« Last Edit: March 13, 2006, 01:23:33 PM by Mitch »

Offline barcrphd

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Re:need help
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2006, 12:01:03 PM »
most likely cacl2 is added to remove the traces of water in the ester. then you may ask why not other drying agents. there is a good discussion in vogels organic chemistry book regarding drying agents. you will probably get the answer for this there.

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