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Topic: FINDING Ka FOR A WEAK ACID  (Read 1703 times)

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Offline leahbaker_x

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« on: March 25, 2014, 12:44:51 PM »
The dissociation constant for a weak monoprotic acid, HA, can be expressed as:

                                                   Ka  =   [ H+ ] [ A- ] / [HA]

If a weak acid, HA, is titrated against a strong base, such as NaOH, then at half equivalence,
[ A- ] = [ HA ], and so:
                          Ka  =   [ H+ ]              pKa  =   pH

The problem
You are provided with a crystalline sample of a weak monoprotic acid, HA, and a 0.100 M solution of sodium hydroxide.  The relative formula mass of the acid is known to be 150 and the acid is freely soluble in water.  Describe in detail how you could determine the dissociation constant of the acid.

Your answer must include:
1)A list of the essential apparatus and reagents you would use.

2) An appreciation of the scale of the experiment(s) – the concentration of the solutions used and an appreciation of the precision of the apparatus used.

3) Full details of the preparation of the acid solution and any further experiments you intend to perform.

4) Details of the use of a pH meter.

5) How you would use the results of the experiment to determine the dissociation constant, Ka, of the acid.

6) Details of the potential hazards and the relevant safety precautions.

7) How you have tried to minimise errors and maximise accuracy.

Offline Babcock_Hall

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« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2014, 12:53:21 PM »
You must show your answer first before we can help you.  That is a forum rule.

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