Hallo Borek. Well I very much appreciate the corrections. It's hard teaching yourself and having nobody to ask questions. So Iam not surprised I get it wrong. Although I must say that I did realize that it was the O2 that does the oxidizing, this was a word error. Still thankyou. Regards the SG. I thought that this was the amount of dissolved copper in solution that I was measuring? Since after all more and more Metallic copper is certainly being dissolved in solution every week? As for the H+ that is what I had written down, I should have re-read my notes before posting. However, as you say yes HCl is consumed during the process and this gas is released in tiny quantities that are safe for indoors in a ventilated area, no smells at a Molarity under 3.
Regards this H+, a little instruction here if you could, I am measuring free hydrogen ions then and not Cl ions? I thought that the Chloride ion is what is necessary to the solution not the H+, do you mean that I am actually measuring the H+ and by this measurement I am then seeing how much free Cl- there is left. I think this is the point of the titration, to measure the H+ in order to get a measurement of the Cl-? Which is what is needed right, the chloride ion is what is important not the Hydrogen ion, which has no ultimate purpose in the solution.?