Have plotted [P] against time, its not linear so not zeroth order
ln[P] against time, its not a linear line, so not first order
1/[P] is not a linear line so not second order
nor is 1/[P]^-2 linear, so not 3rd order
Although not sure how to plot the point at infinity?
Is that the right way to go about finding this order of reaction
As I was trying to hint in my earlier post, these expressions are those appropriate for the
consumption of reactant, not for the
appearance of product.
For example, a first order reaction A

P; d[A]/dt = - k[A]; [A] = [A]
-kt; ln[A] vs t is linear.
But d[P]/dt = k[A], [P] = [P]
-kt) where [P]
∞ = [A]
0; ln[P] vs t is not linear, but ln([P]
∞ - [P]) vs t is.
For higher-order reactions the expression may vary depending on the exact stoichiometry, e.g. whether it's 2A

P, or A + B

2P, etc., but try plotting
∞ - [P])}^(n-1) vs t (for order n).