Good grief. I don't know. Don't know how to begin figuring it out. Couldn't even Google it.
'Understand it better' ? When it comes to understanding I'd like to know just why the glucose molecule takes the form it does in the first place.
I don't even understand that.
Why is the OH on the third carbon show 'upwards' where all the other OH are shown 'down' ?
Because that's the form. I know. But I mean why did the molecule take that form?
And a quote "..when a glucose molecule enters the cell phosphorylation is immediate.." But I've been led to believe the cell is a crowded area. Very crowded. Totally crowded.
How can phosphor groups find the glucose molecule 'immediately' ?
Similar thought when I think of tiny pills ingested by us that effect the whole organism, the whole 200lb of meat or whatever. How can that tiny amount of chemical spread throughout the organism so quickly, permeate everywhere?
My understanding of the molecular, atomic world is miniscule. It only started a couple of weeks ago.
And as I say, I'm not formally a student.
So if you find my questions, observations, understandings annoyingly obtuse, immature, ignorant then please ignore them... I don't mean to pollute the waters...