Thanks for your response!
Hm, I'm a little confused about the splitting. I thought that a doublet looked like the signal at ~6.94. What does it mean when the signal does not split all the way, but only partially at the top, like at 7.33?
I was thinking that if it were a singlet, the signal at 7.33 would correspond to the proton on the top of the aromatic ring (in the picture I posted) since that is not within 3 bond lengths of any other protons -- my instructor has told me that I should only consider splitting between protons that are within 3 bond lengths' distance from each other.
That would mean that the other two aromatic protons are at 7.41 and 6.94. Those would be the two other aromatic protons that are next to each other on the ring, hence the doublet splitting. I would guess that the proton at 7.41 would be the one on the left, closer to the oxygen, since this might shift it further downfield.
However.. if the signal at 7.33 is considered a doublet, is the signal at 7.41 a doublet of a doublet? Would this mean that the aromatic proton on the bottom right (farthest from the O) would be more likely?