Anyone could tell me if these irreducible representation calculations for trans-dichloroethene to figure out IR and Raman active vibrations are right?
Not having an atom in the center of the molecule confused me a bit, and made me get tons of zeros, so many terms cancel out and I ended up with a kinda strange result for me, who I'm starting to learn to do this (made just a few easy examples).
Here it is: didn't instert it here because is quite big)
Thanks in advance
The results are supposed to match with one of these 3 spectra: I got 4 IR active bands, might be the spectrum B, if we consider that "band" at 3300cm-1 as an impurity or intrumental thing.
But I hope someone could correct my calculations anyway even if that were a possitive result, since I'm starting to learn this.
Edit2: I think there is an error in the calculation of Gamma xyz, seems that I don't get how to calculate them properly. Any practical explanation that works in every case?