Hello, everyone! I'm currently taking organic chemistry (nearing the end, woo!). One of our final projects is to do a retrosynthesis of a really big compound, and I'm having immense trouble with mine. The main goal is to disconnect our compound into commercially available compounds with six carbons or less. I talked to my professor and he redirected me to a bunch of websites that ended up just confusing me more. We've only ever done retrosyntheses with like, two parts, never four like this.
This is my compound (sorry I'm not using the structural formula, but it's much easier for me like this):
This is what I've tried so far:
I guess I'm basically asking for help on the retrosynthesis of the two middle pieces (after the first retrosynthesis), or for help in general. Did I break down the target molecule at the right place? I think once I understand what the two middle pieces should be, I can kind of (maybe?) figure out the rest of it.