Thanks for the link. Lots of useful stuff there. I have read the rules. If I am breaking one please let me know. I don't
think I am but it's totally possible.
The household products I have are Vinegar, Hydrochloric Acid, Citric Acid, Ammonium Hydroxide, Hydrogen Peroxide, Sodium Hydroxide, Baking Soda, and many metals including, Aluminum. Gold, Copper, Silver, Zinc, Steel, Tungsten, Lead. I chose these because they were the most available in my area and fairly cheap. Not including the metals. I'm a welder so I usually have random metals on hand. Being a welder I also have these Acetylene, Carbon Dioxide, Argon, and Nitrogen.
I checked the chemicals I have and researched the MSDS for them and I'm not seeing any other impurities. But MSDS sheets are sometimes unreliable.
Also I mentioned Copper Acetate because everywhere I look it up, all my results show how to make it. I made it already. I want to use it to make other chemicals for my supply. I searched so many times on Google and such but only how to make it and copper plating are the results.