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Topic: Container Surface Area and Gas Flow rate  (Read 1920 times)

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Container Surface Area and Gas Flow rate
« on: May 17, 2014, 04:27:06 AM »
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Quick question: The same volume of gas are in 2 different shapes of cylinders and there is a valve at the top with a equal opening sizes.  The first cylinder is has a large radius and small length, the second has a smaller radius and greater length.

Say the valve is then opened. Would the flow out of the containers be identical even though the surface area is not?  For example if the valves were at identical heights would one cylinder shoot gas higher or with greater force than the other?

I'm wondering if the expanding gas colliding against the container versus each other make a difference as the pressure drops and gas expands.  If someone could work this out with equations that would be great!!


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Re: Container Surface Area and Gas Flow rate
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2014, 04:48:24 AM »
If the valve size is much smaller than the cylinder, the only thing that matters is the pressure.
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