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Topic: C13 NMR  (Read 3678 times)

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Offline lalal2011

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« on: May 18, 2014, 10:50:35 AM »
Hello, I'm having trouble with these three problems and each of them worth like 20 points. I would appreciate your help thanks.

Problem #1 Can you please help me to propose a structure for the following compound C8H12 based on its C'13 NMR. I was thinking about 1,3-cyclooctane but I'm not sure and I have tried a chain but it also does not seem correct. .

Problem #2 Could you please propose a structure for the following compound C5H8O2. I was thinking about a chain but it didn't work and you can see on the spectra that I have labeled some of the possible structures on peaks. 

Problem #3 Could you please check if I numbered identical carbons correctly and matched them to the right peak?

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