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Topic: Electrochemistry  (Read 2872 times)

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Offline Abhinab

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« on: June 22, 2014, 07:52:05 PM »
Calculate the concentration of H+ .

Hydrogen electrode at 1 atm is connected with Zn electrode in which the emf(E) of the cell is found to be 0.54 V at 250C. Suppose that [Zn++]=1.0M. Calculate the molar concentration of H+.

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Re: Electrochemistry
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2014, 02:08:48 AM »
Calculate the concentration of H+ .

Hydrogen electrode at 1 atm is connected with Zn electrode in which the emf(E) of the cell is found to be 0.54 V at 25°C. Suppose that [Zn++]=1.0M. Calculate the molar concentration of H+.

Any equations you know that may help?

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Re: Electrochemistry
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2014, 10:18:11 AM »
Using standard electrode potential of zn/zn++ as -0.76V, we can find the E0cell and we can use Nernst Equation to find the molar concentration as;

where Q={[Zn++]/[H+]}
 ;) ;)

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Re: Electrochemistry
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2014, 12:08:53 PM »
What is n? and what is the correct expression for Q? Try writing out the equation for the cell reaction.

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Re: Electrochemistry
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2014, 08:18:50 PM »
at anode;
Zn :rarrow: Zn++ + 2e-    E0=0.76V
at cathode;
2H+ + 2e-  :rarrow: H2     E0=0V
Net cell reaction:
Zn + 2H+  :rarrow: Zn++ + H2     E0cell=0.76V
or, 0.54=0.76-(0.0591/2)log{([H2]x[zn++])/([Zn]x[H+]2)}
where, [Zn]=[H2]=[Zn++]=1
Therefore, [H+]=1.89x10-4 M

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Re: Electrochemistry
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2014, 02:59:49 AM »
Zn :rarrow: Zn++ + 2e-    E0=0.76V


Therefore, [H+]=1.89x10-4 M

Wasn't that hard.

Note, that most of the work you did by treating whole system was unnecessary. You could treat Zn electrode just as a reference. As [Zn2+] = 1M electrode in the standard state and its potential is -0.76V. That means potential of the hydrogen electrode is just -0.22V (vs standard hydrogen electrode), and what you have is just a simple concentration cell.
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