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Topic: Chemical Engineering Student, How do you like your school!?  (Read 2452 times)

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Hello guys;
I'm a chemical engineering student at University of New Haven (UNH).
HONESTLY, I was shocked when I came to school. the labs are not prepared, the classrooms suck, and on top of all the school is so expensive.

I feel like I'm not learning anything. I'm trying to find another school and I need your help.

UNH is not a large school yet it is not too small. Although the staff are nice and friendly, most of them are not expert in the field and 90% of the staff are adjunct professors. they give grades for nothing.

I left my home to learn not to get high grades and a degree with no knowledge.

Offline eazye1334

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Re: Chemical Engineering Student, How do you like your school!?
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2014, 07:29:33 AM »
I went to the University of Rochester and enjoyed it greatly. Most of the professors are experts and I did some pretty interesting research while I was there. I won't say it's perfect or anything, but I was very happy there and felt I was definitely challenged.

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