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Topic: What I should know about chemistry?  (Read 2376 times)

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What I should know about chemistry?
« on: November 10, 2014, 12:10:31 AM »
Hi guys, I request your help,

I never had a single class of chemistry when I was in high school (I'm studying administration at university right now). Yesterday, I had a long discussion with my uncle (He is a biologist) about chemistry and science in general and I was wondering how these things are important in everyday life. I'll probably never used them in my future job, but I know it's always better to have different tools in your bag and it's increase your knowledge. In this context, what should I know about chemistry? What are the fundamental concepts I need to learn?

Thank you for your help,
(Sorry for my english, not my native language)

Even the verification question of chemistry f&#$s me (Thanks wikipedia on this one)
« Last Edit: November 10, 2014, 01:19:51 AM by Arkcon »

Offline OrgXemProf

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Re: What I should know about chemistry?
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2014, 09:59:19 PM »
Perhaps it would enlightening if I were to ask a similar question about a field with which you are familiar.

I never had a single class in administration when I was in college (I'm now a chemist). Yesterday, I had a long discussion with my neighbor (he is an administrator) about what he does in general and I was wondering how these things are important in everyday life. I'll probably never use them in my present job, but I know it's always better to have different tools in my bag and to increase my knowledge. In this context, what should I know about administration? What are the fundamental concepts I need to learn?

This puts it all in perspective, doesn't it?

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