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Topic: Hypersensitivity puzzle  (Read 2009 times)

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Hypersensitivity puzzle
« on: December 07, 2014, 07:52:36 PM »
A bit of topic, but looking for pointers from the experts.

Seems I caught a unusual hyper sensitivity against some particular substance that's however hard to pinpoint, and other people around me don't seem to mind.

I am sensitive coming close and breathing in the air around spandex cloth or new bicycle tires. Worse, it seems some trace amounts made it into my laptop fans, slowly burning up on the hot internals, leading to worse symptoms upon breathing in:

- Long lasting sweet sticky rubbery taste
- Pinching pain sensation on upper back
- On longer exposure burning in the lungs
- Not much of a smell
- Non of the classical allergy symptoms like sinus or skin irritation

Had not much success with a carbon air filter in the room or otherwise trying to clean things with water and soap. If it's really some rubber compound, perhaps it's not easily solvable in water and does not decompose over time by itself.

Wonder if anyone on the community came across something similar, and what possible test one could do?

Thank you very much


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Re: Hypersensitivity puzzle
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2014, 03:28:32 AM »
Best advice I can think of - go see a doc.

Sadly, you may be not able to determine what is really irritating to you - too many possibilities.

Per the forum rules we don't give medical advice, so I am closing the topic.
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