If you know the total amount of energy, you should just be able to perform and integration over the energy probability distribution to get the total number of photons of each energy produced. This of course assumes the 10% statistic is correct, and that it (and the temperature) is a constant value over the course of the reaction. Experimentally it's easy to determine the % of energy converted as light - you should be able to determine total energy released by basic thermodynamic considerations, and measure the amount of energy released as heat by calorimetry. The difference will be predominantly light. (A sort of reverse procedure is able to be used to measure the absolute fluorescence yield of a chromophore, but it's a very difficult measurement as I understand it, at least compared to more measures that measure the yield relative to a standard.)
Are there any generally known chemical reactions that produce even more light over a short time ?
By total light energy output, and total photon output, it will be difficult to beat burning magnesium. But it's a hard question to answer generally, since it's not known what you are after. For example, burning magnesium is a continuum spectrum. Other reactions may produce less total photons, but have better monochromicity, say. (All photons having same energy.)