3b. The cheapest source of hydrogen is methane from a gas well. Crack it, burn the undesired fraction, keep the hydrogen. Alas, fossil fuels are really cheap: bore a few holes, fill many supertankers. High-tech solar panels can't compete, not even bioprocesses can presently.
3c. Bioprocesses produce methanol, ethanol or vegetable oil presently. Hydrogen is still research. Ethanol and vegetable oil do compete against gasoline and Diesel oil... Because they're taxed like food while gasoline is heavily taxed. Until this comparison improves, replacing all fossil with biofuels is an economical no-go, and you can trust the governments to prevent that.
4. The best source of oxygen is air. Huge plants liquefy it and separate oxygen, nitrogen and minor gasses by destillation. Oxygen obtained this way is very cheap, so any small-sized local process would be a waste.
Now, if you're willing to go green, these answers aren't the ones you seek... But eco-friendly alternatives do need to be competitive or at least affordable to have a slight chance.