Thanks Discodermolide! Again things that only experience tells...
If aminating in liquid phase instead of gaseous, could some
alkaline metal be first dissolved/reacted in the azetidine, as is done with ammonia and aryls, to kick the reaction? ...or would the reaction kick back maybe...?

I've hand-estimated the heat of formation of the azetidyl-, as well as
dimethylamino- and bis(dimethylamino)-quadricyclane. At +417, +329 and +356 kJ/mol (298K liquids), they would all bring
5s more than RG-1, just one second less than the flammable parent quadricyclane, so the flash point, melting point and others can decide - mixes being often better.
All aziridines seem toxic, alas. The bis(dimethylamino) would start from trichloroethylene, at least in my imagination. Dimethylamines takes a bit more oxygen.
Marc Schaefer, aka Enthalpy