Could you expand more on the part where you can use initial concentration to find the equilibrium concentration of C?
If you have trouble with any of the steps that follow, think about it and if you don't get it then pinpoint the step and I will try to explain.
First let's take a single-reaction case, aA+bB
cC+dD for generality. Let us define n
react(A) as the amount of A which reacts and n
react(B) as the amount of B which reacts; n
0(P) as the initial number of moles of species P, where P=A,B,C,D etc.; n
eq(P) as the equilibrium number of moles of species P. Our task is to express the equilibrium constant K, not in terms of the equilibrium numbers of moles of A,B,C,D but rather in terms of the equilibrium number of moles of any
one of them, along with the initial numbers of moles of all of them.
Self-evidently n
react(A) = n
0(A) - n
eq(A) and analogous for B (the reactants).
Now, we can also say from the reaction stoichiometry that n
react(B) = b/a * n
react(A). Combining with the above, (b/a)*(n
eq(B). Let's now decide we will work first calculate the equilibrium number of moles of A first. Then, we should rearrange the expression we just got for n
eq(B) in terms of n
0(B), n
0(A) and n
Next, C and D. n
eq(C) = n
0(C) + n
react(A)*(c/a) from stoichiometry. Analogous equation for D. Substitute in n
react(A) = n
0(A) - n
eq(A), and you get e.g. n
eq(C) = n
0(C) + (n
eq(A))*(c/a). Do the same for n
Now we move to work with K instead.
K = a(C)^c*a(D)^d / (a(A)^a*a(B)^b) where a(P) is activity of P
a(P) ≈ c(P)/c° for species P, if it is a solute, or p(P)/p° if it is a gas (under certain circumstances known as ideality)
So K = (c(C)^c*c(D)^d) / (c(A)^a*c(B)^b) * (c°)^(a+b-c-d) (or analogous for pressures)
And now you convert from your numbers of moles (obtained above) to concentrations or partial pressures and substitute in, leaving you with a final expression for K in terms of n
eq(A) as well as n
0(A), n
0(B), n
0(C), n
0(D) and the stoichiometric coefficients. You solve this expression (numerically if need be) to find n
eq(A). Then you use the same relationships you found and substituted into K to then find n
eq(B), n
eq(C), n
eq(D). And then you're done! You can convert these to concentrations or partial pressures after that if you need.
Also could someone explain to me why solids and liquids are not included when calculating the constant?
The equilibrium constant is really in terms of activities, and activities of solids and liquids are taken to be unity. Thermodynamics can be used to show why this should be approximately the case in some situations.
And could someone tell me why you would need Kp instead of Kc? If it just depends on whether you're given pressure or concentration then write that there are no advantages of using either.
There is no fundamental difference. a(P) ≈ c(P)/c° if you are dealing with solutes or a mixture of liquids and a(P) ≈ p(P)/p° if you are dealing with gases. This leads to K=K
p if the reaction only involves gases and K=K
c if the reaction only involves solutes or a mixture of liquids. Only this K, the true thermodynamic equilibrium constant, is actually necessarily an equilibrium constant.
If a reaction involved both solutes and gases, you could not merely take one or the other and establish an equilibrium constant with them (it would not be a constant).