This is what I mean... In the left hand side of each person's post there is a list of that individual's details. The details include gender, scooby snacks and other bits of trivia. I was thinking of also adding a paypal feature, where if a student likes the answer they got, they could pay the answeree in cash instead of scooby snack. There is no mandatory requirement for the user to pay anyone, its just a way of thanking the person who answered and a way of getting the "potential" for some monetary gain. I'm 100% committed to keeping Chemical Forums a "free" site, but was wondering if anyone would like this feature?
Anyone that would opt for this feature would have to have their e-mail address shown behind the scenes in html. I would not make a new field for paypal email account, so you would either use the email address you use to sign up for chemicalforums or would have to change your current email address to something you wouldn't mind being spammed at.
Your thoughts on this are highly encouraged.