So for v'' = 0 E = Eel + (1/2ω) and for v' = 1 E = Eel + (3/2ω)
So for the transition energy between the 2 it would be ΔE = 2Eel + 2ω
The transition energy is the difference, not the sum!
And the electronic energy is different in the two states - call them E(0) and E(1)
So for v'' = 0 E = E(0) + 1/2 ω'' and for v' = 1 E = E(1) + 3/2 ω'
The difference is E(1) - E(0) + 3/2 ω' - 1/2 ω''. This is the 1 :larrow:0 transition energy.
Now do the same for 1 :larrow:1. What is the difference between the two transition energies?
[Note: you say "in the table I'm given in the question, the difference in rows = ω' and difference in columns = ω'' ", but in your calculations you just use ω. Why?]