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Topic: Calbration Curve using Weighted Linear Regression  (Read 1771 times)

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Offline jhcoleman53

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Calbration Curve using Weighted Linear Regression
« on: June 24, 2015, 09:20:26 AM »
Hi all,

Anybody have (or know where I can get a couple of) test data sets, with results, for a 1/x^2 weighted linear regression? I am trying to verify calibration curve calculations from an analytical software package, and I can get ever so close, but never an exact match. I suspect that the software is using more decimal places than it is printing out in the results summary, and if that is the case I will probably never match. But if I had a verified data set with results, I could at least verify that my check program is functioning correctly, and write off my differences to using the printed (rounded) values. Any ideas?


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