I like this idea, and have casually wondered about how it might be possible in the past.
I think you will get more interesting results if you can outline a design or game mechanic, which we can comment on. I mean meet us a bit closer to the middle - you come up with the design and then ask for technical advice. Similar to how science advisors are used for films.
One issue I see is that a game in which items are combined to produce new items generates complexity rapidly. I don't play computer games anymore, but there was a game I used to play in the early 2000s called Vagrant Story that had a complex weapon customization/building mechanic that got really complicated. I used to study the combination tables and work with my current inventory to see what interesting new things I could make. Now, I can see that might be boring for a lot of people, but it was an aspect of the game that I really enjoyed. Maybe worth checking out (as well as its strategy guide) for inspiration if you don't know it.