I'll try my best to make this quick. I'm 24-years-old. Classes start on August 24th. Fresh off of graduating high school in 2009, I started community college but things flamed out due to my inability to balance my life and school at the time. In 2014, I returned to the same community college, made 2 A's/2 B's, and this last semester (spring) I made straight A's. I'm insanely determined. I want to succeed as badly as I need to breathe. I switched my major to pre-med. Here's where the problem begins.
I'm taking chemistry 111. At the same rate, I'm in developmental math. Obviously, math has never been my strong suit. But I'm doing the absolute best I can. I got a mass e-mail yesterday from my chemistry 111 lab teacher detailing the course outline, and I saw the bit about the class requiring "strong mathematical skills".
This scares me to death.
I've acclimated myself to working hard and achieving high grades. I've been confident. But now, I'm filled with fear and a lack of confidence, because I doubt myself when it comes to achieving success in this class due to the apparently "strong mathematical skills" that are a necessity, that I lack at the current time! I'm scared to death that I'm going to fall behind in this class due to my deficiencies in math!
I'm fully prepared to bust my rear and work as hard as possible.
Do you guys have any tips or advice for me? I'm feeling quite desperate and extremely anxious/depressed. Surely my instructors (one for lab; the other for lecture) will help out, right? I have this aching fear that I'll have apathetic, uncaring instructors. I can't emphasize how badly I want to succeed. I'm eager to learn, so much so, but from the course outline, everything looks so foreign to me! Moles? Titrates? Lewis structures? I'm completely ignorant of these topics. Hopefully this is a basic chemistry course. I want to learn so badly, but I'm fearful of being left behind in the class.
Tips, advice, anything would be great. All in layman terms would be especially helpful. I'm determined to make an A, by any means necessary. I'm freaking out, however, as you can see.