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Topic: Re: Confirming purity by HPLC  (Read 2774 times)

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Offline Mohsinkhan101

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Re: Confirming purity by HPLC
« on: August 21, 2015, 09:36:50 AM »
Hey friends, We are working on a dietary supplement,, multivitamins and minerals. we recently get a customer feedback about some adulterants complain. Now I need to know how can we check the adulterant in solution using HPLC, we don't know what adulterant is and since it's a multivitamin syrup, how to pin point which wavelength can be used to get results..
pls help

Offline Mohsinkhan101

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Re: Confirming purity by HPLC
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2015, 09:42:21 AM »
We are working on a multivitamin syrup, Recently ,we got a complain regarding  adulterants in syrup. How to find the what is that adulterant using HPLC and Since its a multivitamin how to pin point which wavelength scan should be done?...PLz help,, its urgent

Offline Arkcon

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Re: Confirming purity by HPLC
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2015, 10:34:39 AM »
I've merged your topics from multiple threads.  Briefly, you haven't given us enough info.  You might want to ask the complainant what makes them think there's an adulterant.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

Offline marquis

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Re: Confirming purity by HPLC
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2015, 04:32:34 PM »
Every now and then you get lucky trying to id these contaminants.  But generally, be prepared
for a lot of work.

First, find out how the customer identified the contaminant.  Then repeat the process they used
to identify it.  Repeat it multiple times to make sure you know how to do it.

Then go back and start testing individual ingredients, packaging, etc. one by one.  You can test
them individually.  But you may have to test them by leaving one at a time out of your formulation.

Once you have identified the source, try to identify the individual component.  For example, it may
be a by product of a vitamin.  And be prepared.  Your suppliers have many "proprietary" parts of the
product they supply.  Be prepared to get all the people in your company to put pressure on them.
Other wise, they wont tell you what the contaminant is.  Without that information, identifying the
risk the contaminant poses is almost impossible.

Every now and then, you get an interference that is a reaction product of two or more ingredients.  This
makes life very difficult.  Don't pass over that bridge until you have to.

Good luck.

Offline Mohsinkhan101

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Re: Confirming purity by HPLC
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2015, 08:28:20 AM »
thnx a lot for the reply,, as a pharmacist we know,, what we are dealing with but its really hard to make understand administration people ,,who wants the results quickly as possible.

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