Equi, so all chara need not get affected by the pre-fixment of some other character, & if its getting affected, it may also not get fixed but a range is defined, right? That was a thoughtful, thanks alot.
Yggdrasil, that topic was a great revision,
but what i want to ask in this 'new' topic is-
We observe conformational specificity for Amino Acids, My question was is such kind of stereo specificity observed for carbohydrate/ lipid/ DNA/RNA subunits i.e. is that specificity is specific for proteins or is it present in other molecules of life too? & if yes was it by chance & if yes how do we disprove the presence of any selective pressure in earlier environments..?
Also , what is the degree of specificity? I mean , what is the percentage of D-AA proteins & L-AA proteins, & how much is it for other biomolecules...Are there diff. enzymes/ pumps for them?
Intersting, quick, useful , all this for my sweet chemical forum...