Ok here's what I have.
0.33 g I
2* mol I
2/254g= 1.3*10
-3mol (this is the amount of I2 saturated in water.)
12.5g I
2 * mol I
2/254g = 0.0492 mol (this is the amount of I2 saturated in I- solution)
0.0492 is also the amount of I
3-(aq) initially as problem states I2 all converts.
0.1 is the amount of I
- (or KI).
I know that when I
3- dissociates it"loses" the 1.3 *10
-3 (at equilibrium we have 0.0479 I
3-) but what Im confused about is why do we care if this is strictly the amount in water. I know all of this is occuring in water but is there an implication here that both water and I
- act to be saturated? I'm feel like im missing something here.
I also know that the equilibrium of I
3- is the "change" amount of I
-(aq). I know this sounds funny but why is that? I have a ICE table but it confuses me. Or do we need it at all? We are left with 0.0521M
Thanks and again like my other post sorry if im being tedious. First time poster here!
So to summarize
Initial Amounts
- 0.1M
3- 0.0492M
Change Amounts
2 0.0013M
- 0.0479M
-3 -0.0013M
Equilibrium amounts
2 .0013M
- 0.0521M
3- 0.0479M